Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Dangers of Radiation Exposure

The frightening type of radiation exposure comes from a short-term, intense dose that causes radiation poisoning or sickness. This typically occurs due to radiation accidents. There are several different types of jobs that involve radiation and are therefore at risk for radiation poisoning, including:
  • Mining or handling nuclear materials
  • Working in a nuclear power plant
  • Testing or working with nuclear weapons
  • Nuclear pharmacists
  • X-ray technicians
  • Doctors who perform radiation cancer treatment, vascular embolization, etc.

Radiation is a naturally occurring form of energy that occurs in sunlight and sound waves. However, mankind has harnessed this power through nuclear materials, such as uranium, plutonium, and thorium. These materials can be utilized for weapons, electricity production, and medical devices. While radioactive materials have helped further things like clean energy and medical diagnostics, exposure to the radiation can cause serious damage to your health.

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